Travel Articles – Travel & Leisure Magazine

The Constant Traveling Businessman’s List of What to Pack

Traveling for work can cause a variety of headaches and remembering what to pack is one of them. Because many men travel long distances for work on a daily basis, keeping a list of necessary things to pack is a must. The following list of must-pack items are essential for every business trip.

Facial Soap

Traveling businessman
Traveling businessman

If you don’t think your skin is as sensitive as a woman’s, you’re wrong. As a man, you must ensure that your face is clean and clear at all times, especially when conducting business.

Forgetting your facial soap can be a huge problem if you utilize a special type. Not every man can grab the free stuff from the hotel room and slather their face with it. Remembering soap is important, so add it to your list.

Shaving Cream

Similar to facial soap, the type of shaving cream you use greatly impacts the look of your skin. Some men may prefer cream that moisturizes while others may just use a standard brand that smells nice.

Most of the time, hotels and airlines will not provide a free can of shaving cream, but if they do, the cream won’t feel good to the touch. If you don’t want to experience unnecessary rashes, add shaving cream to your must-pack list.

Cell Phone Charger

Yes, cell phone chargers are one of the most important items that must be brought along on every business trip.

As a businessman, you are always on-the-go with likely little time to stop and whip out your laptop, so all businessmen carry a smartphone for just this reason. Don’t get stuck on a business trip with a dead smartphone and no way to charge it; you might miss that all important email or phone call.

Important Documents

Documents such as hotel reservations, car rental paperwork, airline itineraries and passports are all important to have, especially if you plan to travel overseas for business.

If possible, make backup copies of all documents, even your passport. Keep everything in a place that’s well-hidden yet easily accessible, because losing these items will cost you a lot of time and money.


Having enough medication when on a business trip is very important. If you are traveling to a location where you think that your pills may not be readily available to purchase, then take more than enough to last throughout your business trip.

Because pills are vital to your health and may be beneficial in emergency situations, they should be at the top of your must-pack list.

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