We all know the long drive in the car can be hell on earth when you have lively kids strapped in the back of the car but there are many ways that can help reduce the stress of your trip. The constant barrage of “How much longer Daddy?”, “I’m bored” and “Are we there yet?” ringing in your ear for the next 200 miles is enough to send you round the twist. Having done some pretty big road trips I hope I can share some ideas that I use and also some that have not worked for me but have worked for my friends.

- During the hot summer months it’s vital that your vehicle has air con as I find that the kids get much more restless. Make sure you check that your air con is still working due to the fact in can leak gas during the winter and then let you down when you really need it.
- If your children are old enough I do a quiz for my kids to look out for certain things on the journey and then reward them with a prize halfway through the trip.
- Split the journey by stopping somewhere on route for lunch allowing the kids to have good run round tiring them out before the next leg of the trip.
- Try starting your trip at a time when the kids usually have a nap because putting them in the car them moment they wake in the morning will mean entertaining them for much longer.
- You can buy covers to protect your seats from all those horrible dirty footprints left by the kids on the back of your new leather seats. Most of these contain pockets for filling with colouring materials, paper and anything else you think will keep them amused.
- Not for everyone but a DVD player strapped to the back of the front seats work well for an hour or so but they soon get bored with this tactic.
- Keep talking to the kids explaining where you are and what can be seen out of the window as they are more interested than you may think.
- Prepare lots of healthy snacks such as fruit as they will enjoy snacking whilst cruising along.
- If they like music burn a CD of some of their favourite tunes and theme songs so you can all sing along. At 32 I still love some good old songs such as Dr. Hook
- Put a smaller version of their toy box at their feet so that they can get things out whilst you’re on the move.
- Make sure you have sun blinds or tinted windows for the kids as there is nothing worse than driving for miles with the sun shining full in your face.
- Whenever you do stop encourage the kids to try for the toilet as there is nothing worse than getting back in the car after lunch and then hearing ‘Mummy, I need a wee wee!”.
Jamie Anderson is a proud parent of 2, gadget freak, photographer and daddy blogger. Jamie has been managing his own blog for a few years now. James enjoys writing articles for mums to be and parents of young children and currently writes for Baby Planet who are a leading UK retailer of baby equipment including pushchairs, booster seats and nursery furniture