One holiday tradition for Australians is camping for nature appreciation and outdoor sports. Tent camping has frequently been a part of these excursions. Those who want to continue the fabulous tradition and enjoy tent camping in the great outdoors along the coast or in the outback regions can select family tents that have plenty of space for people and gear.
Large Tents for Camping
Tents that are large enough to sleep 4 or more people are not expensive and they provide space. Even if just one or two people are camping, having a 4-person tent is practical. For one thing, the tents that sleep 4 mean have room for 4 people sleeping side by side in sleeping bags. Not much extra space is available.
- Family CampingJosh Koonce / Foter / CC BY-NC-ND
When 2 people sleep in a tent designed for 4, they can spread out a little and have some room for supplies that they want near them during the night. Families may want more than one large tent so that everyone has room to move about the tents comfortably and keep their gear near them.
Camping near Rockingham, Western Australia
One example of a great place to go camping is near Rockingham in Western Australia. A lovely coastal town, Rockingham offers several excellent campgrounds and much to see and do outdoors. Here are some of the local attractions and activities for young and old:
Beaches – The beaches along the coast are recreation areas. Rockingham Beach is near Churchill Park with good facilities and a safe and clean swimming area. Two other nearby beaches are Palm Beach with its bike path and clean sand and Secret Harbour Beach with its wind and good surfing.
Catulpa Memorial – A bit of Irish history, the Catulpa Memorial at Palm Beach has six geese on it. The memorial remembers 6 Irish soldiers that served in Europe after escaping from Western Australia’s penal colony. They escaped offshore at Rockingham.
Churchill Park – Churchill Park has lovely, clean and well-maintained parklands beside the beach. The park has picnic tables, a children’s playground, restroom facilities and small shops for refreshments and snacks.
Penguin Island – Day trips to Penguin Island are adventures where visitors get close to birds, animals and their habitats on the island. Boardwalks surround the island. Penguin Island is the place for water sports, picnics, nature photography and relaxation.
The Australian Camping Experience
Almost anyone can stay overnight out in nature in some barren spot, quiet cove or in comfortable campsites near fabulous parks and nature reserves. The cost is minimal, and the adventure and memories are priceless. Entire families of adults and children can create a holiday together, venturing out for a true Australian camping experience in tents.