As travel exchange rates fluctuate month-on-month, holiday goers are always looking for the best deal before they travel abroad. Individuals and families now have more options than ever in regards to choosing how they put together their travel money and some certainly work out cheaper than others, but some are more secure than others.

travel money
The card, be it debit or credit, you are using can sometimes get you a discount or you may get a better rate if you pay with cash. However, you have to consider several different elements. Credit cards, for example, may carry charges with it when getting foreign currency and cash can be easy to lose and therefore you shouldn’t take more than your insurance covers.
Converting currency
Do your best to scout around for the best travel exchange rates and try to be patient; consider your needs and the amounts you think you’ll be spending during your time away. Commission free deals can be among the best, but still check them out properly, as some offer you such an agreement but aren’t offering you the best exchange rate. Some companies won’t have commission charges at all and very competitive rates so look out for them; click here for more information on travel exchange rates.
Look out for those that try to catch you out with flat fees and minimum charges, with handling fees another one to keep an eye out for.
What format should your currency come in?
Cash is the most obvious form of currency to take with you on your travels, but is not the only method of taking money with you abroad.
Travellers cheques are also quite popular and is a fairly secure form of currency, but aren’t the cheapest way of carrying around your travel money; you can incur high expenses when you buy Sterling cheques and the exchange rate is applied as soon as you exchange them into the local currency.
Pre-paid cards are gaining in popularity thanks to their easy usage and are much easier to carry around, as you simply top up the card with the amount of currency you require and of you go. The currency is spent as you would with a debit card whether you’re in Europe or North America.
Something like the ICE Euro Travel Card enables you to do this and the added bonus is that unlike a credit card or debit card, there are no charges to use it for purchases. There is also an added security that creates a higher peace of mind than you’d have if you were carrying cash, for example.
A European Travel Card can be loaded with Pounds (GDP), Euros (EUR) and US Dollars (USD) and all cards use secure chip and pin technology for added security, as well as being embossed with your name and a unique card number for identification.
This was an article from ICE Plc, a company dealing in International Currency Exchange, online travel money and prepaid currency.